If you are reading this, it probably means that you have made the commitment to mentor another brother through the FUEL study. We want to thank you for that commitment. We know that Jesus gave us the directive in Matthew 28 to make disciples. This is one small part of the command. Thank you for taking the first step in obedience to that call from our LORD. We want to take a few minutes to give you some background on the ministry and how we got to where we are today, in the hopes of better equipping you in the service of the LORD here at FUEL.
What started out as a confession of sin from one brother (Me) to the next (Nick) and vis versa, eventually turned into us getting together on a Tuesday in Huntington Beach, CA, to open the Bible and learn what God has to say about freedom from habitual sin. This grew over the course of a ten-year period, with men pouring in the room every Tuesday night, until we had more men than we could handle. We soon had to break into small groups so that we could have time for each man to share and build relationship with one another.
Eventually the LORD led us to write a 40-day study that captured all the scripture and application that we continued to see over and over in each man’s lives, including our own. There was a theme or a typical way that men would come to their senses and a way that the LORD would heal them. This is no surprise, since this path is clearly laid out in the pages of scripture. We see continued themes in scripture in the way the LORD typical works in one’s life. Just like Satan’s plan of attack is predictable and laid out in dozens of examples in God’s Word. And we want to capture that and learn how to have a good defense against the enemy.
Once the FUEL study was written, we built a website that we could have men signup for the study and either do it on their own or they could receive a mentor that would get a copy of their study. The mentor would then respond and build a relationship to be able to answer questions, guide and pray for the man that the LORD brought into their life. They could share what the LORD showed them down their own path as the LORD set them free. In one single month we saw more than 40,000 people form all over the globe pour into the website. This led to many adventures of speaking to individuals, church’s, pastors, government leaders around the globe. Now FUEL in in over 40 countries and has taken root in the African continent and parts of Asia and can go behind the lines of government blocked people groups as long as they have internet access. We also made the study and now the mentor guide available on Amazon for better distribution around the world.
The first step in mentoring someone with the FUEL 40-day study is going through the study yourself. We need to know what our students are reading before we can walk them through the material. We would encourage you to take the time to go through the FUEL 40-day study. This can be done online for free at https://study.fuelministries.org/ Or you can purchase a hard copy on Amazon under the title “The FUEL 40 day Journal”.
The second step is committing to being in your Bible and praying for your student daily. We need the Holy Spirit to transform our students and that can only happen through the LORD speaking to us as we speak to our students. The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 3:17 “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” We need the Spirit to show up and guide our students to freedom. This is our only hope.
The last step is having a student assigned to you. We are assuming you already have someone you are mentoring since you have this material in your hand, However, if you do not please drop us a line on our website under the contact page here https://fuelministries.org/contact/
How The FUEL Mentor Guide works:
The 40-Day study along with The FUEL Mentor Guide is a 40-part series divided into eight sections of five daily studies. We look at the stages that men go through as they start to realize they’re held captive by their habitual sin. When they gain this insight, they usually go through a time of mourning, questioning life, and wondering what their purpose in life is. Such thoughts are somewhat predictable because the assault of the enemy is very predictable.
Let’s take a quick snapshot at each section of the 40-day study to help better prepare and equip you: